Home Button On Mac Laptop

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Found it in Microsoft Mac Office forum This was from Bob J. Over at this link Using a laptop or other 'condensed' keyboard? If so, in order to get the left arrow key to work as the Home key you need to use the fn key as well, so the stroke would be: fn+Cmd+Left Arrow or fn+Ctrl+Left Arrow - either will work. The Option key is a modifier key present on Apple keyboards. It is located between the Control key and Command key on a typical Mac keyboard. There are two Option keys on modern (as of 2020) Mac desktop and notebook keyboards, one on each side of the space bar. (As of 2005, some laptops had only one to make room for the arrow keys.). Mar 03, 2017 If you use an external keyboard for your Mac, you know that the Home and End buttons aren't working. Here's how to fix the Home and End buttons on Mac. Jan 10, 2011 Unless you've got the full-size apple keyboard, the 'home' and 'end' keys are absent on your desktop or macbook keyboard. But, if you hold down the fn (or control) key, you can use the left and right arrow keys as home and end keys respectively. Hold shift while doing this to select the characters between cursor positions. MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3) Posted on Mar 2, 2012 11:21 PM Reply I have this question too (482) I have this question too Me too (482) Me too.

  1. Control Home Button On Laptop
  2. Home Button On Pc

System Icons (iOS 12 and Earlier)

In iOS 13 or later, prefer using SF Symbols to represent tasks and types of content in your app. If your app is running in iOS 12 or earlier, follow the guidance below.

The system provides built-in icons that represent common tasks and types of content in a variety of use cases.

In apps running iOS 12 and earlier, it's a good idea to use these built-in icons as much as possible because they're familiar to people.


Use system icons as intended. Every system-provided image has a specific, well-known meaning. To avoid confusing users, it's essential that each image be used in accordance with its meaning and recommended usage.

Provide alternative text labels for icons. Alternative text labels aren't visible onscreen, but they let VoiceOver audibly describe what's onscreen, making navigation easier for people with visual impairments.

Design a custom icon if you can't find a system-provided one that meets your needs. It's better to design your own than to misuse a system-provided image. See Glyphs.

Navigation Bar and Toolbar Icons

Use the following icons in navigation bars and toolbars. For developer guidance, see UIBarButtonSystemItem.

TIP You can use text instead of icons to represent items in a navigation bar or toolbar. For example, Calendar uses 'Today,' 'Calendars,' and 'Inbox' in the toolbar. You can also use a fixed space element to provide padding between navigation and toolbar icons.

Action (Share)Shows a modal view containing share extensions, action extensions, and tasks, such as Copy, Favorite, or Find, that are useful in the current context.action
AddCreates a new item.add
BookmarksShows app-specific bookmarks.bookmarks
CameraTakes a photo or video, or shows the Photo Library.camera
CancelCancelCloses the current view or ends edit mode without saving changes.cancel
ComposeOpens a new view in edit mode.compose
DoneDoneSaves the state and closes the current view, or exits edit mode.done
EditEditEnters edit mode in the current context.edit
Fast ForwardFast-forwards through media playback or slides.fastForward
OrganizeMoves an item to a new destination, such as a folder.organize
PausePauses media playback or slides. Always store the current location when pausing, so playback can resume later.pause
PlayBegins or resumes media playback or slides.play
RedoRedoRedoes the last action that was undone.redo
RefreshRefreshes content. Use this icon sparingly, as your app should refresh content automatically whenever possible.refresh
ReplySends or routes an item to another person or location.reply
RewindMoves backwards through media playback or slides.rewind
SaveSaveSaves the current state.save
SearchDisplays a search field.search
StopStops media playback or slides.stop
TrashDeletes the current or selected item.trash
UndoUndoUndoes the last action.undo

Tab Bar Icons

Use the following icons in tab bars. For developer guidance, see UITabBarSystemItem.

BookmarksShows app-specific bookmarks.bookmarks
ContactsShows the person's contacts.contacts
DownloadsShows active or recent downloads.downloads
FavoritesShows the person's favorite items.favorites
FeaturedShows content featured by the app.featured
HistoryShows recent actions or activity.history
MoreShows additional tab bar items.more
Most RecentShows content or items recently accessed within a specific period of time.mostRecent
Most ViewedShows the most popular items.mostViewed
SearchEnters a search mode.search
Top RatedShows the highest-rated items.topRated

Home Screen Quick Action Icons

Use the following icons in home screen quick action menus. For developer guidance, see UIApplicationShortcutIconType.

AddCreates a new item.add
AlarmSets or displays an alarm.alarm
AudioDenotes or adjusts audio.audio
BookmarkCreates a bookmark or shows bookmarks.bookmark
Capture PhotoCaptures a photo.capturePhoto
Capture VideoCaptures a video.captureVideo
CloudDenotes, displays, or initiates a cloud-based service.cloud
ComposeComposes new editable content.compose
ConfirmationDenotes that an action is complete.confirmation
ContactChooses or displays a contact.contact
DateDisplays a calendar or event, or performs a related action.date
FavoriteDenotes or marks a favorite item.favorite
HomeIndicates or displays a home screen. Indicates, displays, or routes to a physical home.home
InvitationDenotes or displays an invitation.invitation
LocationDenotes the concept of location or accesses the current geographic location.location
LoveDenotes or marks an item as loved.love
MailCreates a Mail message.mail
Mark LocationDenotes, displays, or saves a geographic location.markLocation
MessageCreates a new message or denotes the use of messaging.message
PausePauses media playback. Always store the current location when pausing, so playback can resume later.pause
PlayBegins or resumes media playback.play
ProhibitDenotes that something is disallowed.prohibit
SearchEnters a search mode.search
ShareShares content with others or to social media.share
ShuffleIndicates or initiates shuffle mode.shuffle
TaskDenotes an uncompleted task or marks a task as complete.task
Task CompletedDenotes a completed task or marks a task as not complete.taskCompleted
TimeDenotes or displays a clock or timer.time
UpdateUpdates content.update

Learn how to fix the home and end Buttons for an External Keyboard on the mac using the simple and easy guide with the assistance of simple commands that you just we'll be implementing to get these problems fix.

For the final users of mac those that think about the inbuilt keyboard for their typing or controlling help of the device, they all know fine that shortcut keys ‘Command+Left Arrow key' moves the indicator to the line of the pipage whereas the keys 'Command+Right Arrow' moves it to the tip of the line with all respect. this can be quite necessary key combinations that all of the users would possibly use additional of the times, and just in case if these keys aren't operating perfectly then this makes it a troublesome job to perform these similar actions. For the users those that use up the external keyboard with their mac, they'd find up that the home and end buttons aren't working at all. this can be therefore as a result of the Apple hasn't certain those keys to any of the operating in an External keyboard. though you'd be seeking for the method that these keys might work, keeping that within the notice we've got grasped the method through that the home and the end keys could be created to figure properly on the external keyboard attached to the mac. Just read up the method from the below article and then get to know about the way to make those Home and End keys work like a charm!

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How to Fix Home and End Buttons for An External Keyboard On MAC

The method is quite simple and easy and you just need to follow the simple step by step guide discussed below to proceed.

Steps to Fix Home and End Buttons for An External Keyboard On MAC:

(1 ) First of all, open up the Terminal on your Mac; you could easily do that up right from the launchpad where the icon for the Terminal would be there. The terminal is just like command prompt of windows but it has more control and debugging depth over it. Through commands, the simple to complex aspects of the Mac OS could easily be changed inside the terminal. App to dmg mac.

Control Home Button On Laptop

(2) Type in the Following Commands and then Press the Enter after each of the commands:

* cd -/Library
*mkdir KeyBindings
*cd KeyBindings
*nano DefaultKeyBinding.dict

After processing the above commands just make up the new KeyBindings folder in the Library Folder and then add up the new DefaultKeyBinding.dict file. The process might feel complicated but when you would perform it, this won't be tough enough. It is all like making of new folders and placing of certain files inside that folder, the only difference is that it is all done through the commands!

(3) You would notice up that the text editor would open up after the above step, just copy and paste the following commands into it.

/* Remap Home / End keys */
/* Home Button*/
'UF729' = 'moveToBeginningOfLine:';
/* End Button */
'UF72B' = 'moveToEndOfLine:';
/* Shift + Home Button */
'$UF729' = 'moveToBeginningOfLineAndModifySelection:';
/* Shift + End Button */
'$UF72B' = 'moveToEndOfLineAndModifySelection:';
/* Ctrl + Home Button */
'^UF729' = 'moveToBeginningOfDocument:';
/* Ctrl + End Button */
'^UF72B' = 'moveToEndOfDocument:';
/* Shift + Ctrl + Home Button */
'$^UF729' = 'moveToBeginningOfDocumentAndModifySelection:';
/* Shift + Ctrl + End Button*/
'$^UF72B' = 'moveToEndOfDocumentAndModifySelection:';

This text is all programming that is meant to make up the certain functions assemble in any feature of the Mac OS. If this program is pasted inside the above text editor then this is going to affect the addition of some features or their amendments in Mac OS. Here as we are going to make the Home and End keys work for the Mac keyboard, so, therefore, this programming coding is for the same purpose!

(4) Save up the file and then exit up. This could be easily done through the Ctrl+o and Ctrl+x key combinations from the keyboard. Restart up the Mac, after all, that, and you would then be able to use up the Home and End buttons of your External keyboard.

Home Button On Pc

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Mac computer simulator. Making up the on top of changes won't be touching any scratches in your ideal keyboard functioning, however, would simply add some new functions to your device keyboard. If you're aware of the programming and knowledge to feature or build some changes to the functioning of the keyboard through it then simply use your required customizations to fully unfold the full new style of your raincoat Keyboard victimization the on top of the method! In case if you feel that the changes you made to the keyboard are not at all good and are distracting your performance then you could easily revert the changes made through the step by deleting the text file from the step 3. This also wouldn't cause your system to be free of all the worries while deleting the folders or files made through this method!

So through this article, you have now got about the method by which you would be able to fix the non-working Home and End keys for an External Keyboard attached to the Mac. As from the method, you might have got the thing that you won't require to make so many multiple changes to the preferences or grate some hard software amendments, but the method could be implemented very easily. Now it's just your turn to grab up the benefits from the method and hence make those keys working on the Mac!

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